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Antony and Cleopatra

            "Antony and Cleopatra" is a Roman tragedy written by Shakespeare around 1607. It is derived from the "Parallel Lives" by the ancient Roman historian Plutarch.

             The significance of tragedy is profound, dialectical, and multifaceted. Shakespeare affirmed this love of life and death, and pointed out the impure and fragile elements; both affirmed their realistic view of enjoying life, and criticized their love first and indulgence Emotional life attitudes, criticizing them for ignoring the country ’s rise and fall for their own immediate benefit, and proposing many useful lessons, such as the reasons for Anthony ’s failure, soldiers should not be greedy for urban life, personal dignity and moral honor are more important than life, and the power of the power The sorrow with the weak countries, the yearning for democratic and free politics, and the lament over the changing political situation and the vicissitudes of life.

Creative background

1.Time backgroud

The rise of the Renaissance gave people a new perspective on human nature, and began to recognize the "sexual evil" side, thinking that human nature itself is unscrupulous egoism. The morality of the whole society is gradually declining, and interpersonal relationships are deteriorating. Under this unfriendly cultural background, Shakespeare began the creation of "Antony and Cleopatra".

2.Creative process

            The historical material on which Shakespeare wrote this drama is mainly from the book "Parallel Lives" by Roman historian plutarch translated by Sir Thomas North (English translation published in 1579). However, he did not copy historical facts mechanically, but made some choices and creations; in particular, he managed to compress the events of ten years into a four-hour script, which was naturally coherent and focused.

            "Titus Andronicus" is the final work of Shakespeare's second creative stage. It is presumed that it was written between 1606 and 1607, and was registered on the register of the Paper Merchants Association on May 20, 1608. It was first published in 1623 after the playwright's death. publishing.


          When Anthony indulged in life with Cleopatra in the Egyptian palace of Alexandria, the Roman Empire faced Sykes Pompeii ’s rebellion, pirate harassment, and Eastern Parthian Invasion.

          The urgent situation and the news of the death of his wife Fulvia made Antony reawaken his sense of responsibility to the country, resolutely returned to Rome, and met with Octavia Caesar and Lepidus. Antony and Octavian accused each other, and after being persuaded by others, they gradually became reconciled. In order to consolidate the alliance, Antony agreed to marry the sister of Octavian.

          The news reached Alexandria, and Cleopatra was furious. He asked the messenger to understand whether the bride's appearance and body could entangle Antony's heart. The three magnate reached a compromise with Pompeii (Messina Agreement in 39 BC), the pirates resigned, and Antony sent troops to quash Parthia (38 BC).

          Antony moved to Athens, and his men murdered Pompeii; Octavian stayed in Rome to find an excuse to depose the cowardly Lepidus (36 BC). In this way, the Roman Empire only left Anthony and Octavian, mutually exclusive, for the purpose of authoritarianism, and eventually developed to the point that they would devour each other and then quickly. Antony's wife is going to find his brother to persuade. As soon as she left, Antony immediately returned to Cleopatra. The armies battled against Actium on the west coast of Greece (31 BC). Anthony stubbornly gave up his land superiority and chose to fight at sea.

           As soon as the two fleets met, the ship where Cleopatra was located turned around and escaped, Antony's flagship followed, and Ann's fleet lost command and was defeated. Antony returned to Egypt, blaming Cleopatra again, and soothing, trying to regroup and make him laugh. Octavian led the army to chase, and the soldiers approached the city.

          Antony's army had a small victory, but it was only a glimpse of the light, while the navy landed without a fight, and his subordinates turned to each other. It is rumored that Cleopatra is dead, Antony's hero is dead, and he hasn't died since he stabbed. Cleopatra hid in the anti-lock burial chamber, farewell to the dying Athony. Octavian designed to stabilize the beauty, intending to capture her alive to Rome, as a captive in his triumphant parade. Cleopatra pretended to be a fan, secretly got the poisonous snake of the Nile specialty, and died at the last moment. It was 30 BC, Antony was 52 years old, and Cleopatra was 39 years old.

About this play
Creative background
Character introduction

Character introduction

Main character introduction


         Antony is one of the three Roman rulers, "one of the world's three pillars", "a giant who supports half of the world", has an extraordinary courage, excellent military talent and eloquence.Apply Freud's term, Antony's inner world is divided into two kinds of Id and Ego.The contradictions and conflicts between Antony's Id and the Ego are constantly strengthened, but they are difficult to replace each other. With the passage of time and changes in the situation, the trade-offs are difficult to distinguish. Once he got Cleopatra ’s heart as he wished, the pursuit of career merits required him to resolutely give up his passion and love for the opposite sex; Will be very distressed for this, and eventually return to the arms of his lover.


        Queen Cleopatra of Egypt, experienced a complex and strange, is a very charming and mysterious oriental beauty. In Shakespeare's pen, Cleopatra's role in the play is interpreted. Her behavioral motivation is very different from the conflict between Antony's Id and Ego. She loved her man so much that she led him step by step to destruction. This is only because she is compulsively satisfied with the strong desire to one day be truly integrated with Antony. She longed to have everything from Antony, his whole body. She used all kinds of tricks,  moody, the purpose is only to firmly control Antony's heart. When Cleopatra finally met, she found that she had caused his destruction blindly. There is no other way than to destroy it with him. Before Cleopatra's death, she and Antony finally merged into one in a confused trance.

         Octavian in the play appears to be a calm, sensible, and politician and leader who puts the overall emphasis on the situation, but these appear to be a decent and profound personal style, which is what the author used to change In order to effectively reflect the character's sinister heart, it is best to reveal his hypocritical nature. His political, military and other means, even at the expense of his sister's reputation and destiny, are all for one purpose. It is to eliminate dissidents, realize personal ambitions, and make the Caesar family dominate the world, and the Roman rulers at that time meant to be masters of the world. Octavian was a cunning and powerful man who annexed Lepidus, who had a third of the empire, and defeated the other third of Antony, but in the end did not win a weak woman who was caught by a hand. In front of Cleopatra's "heroic weakness", his hypocrisy and his wishful thinking were completely bankrupt. He lost what he thought was the biggest living spoils. The good dream came to an "empty", but did not achieve the goal of "perpetual victory" he pursued.

Appreciation of works

Appreciation of works

1.Artistic features

One: Endless imagery.
Two: The metaphor is appropriate, just right.
Three: The anthropomorphic way of giving life to nature.
Four: full of poetry and lyricism.
Fifth: Set off the dialogue.

2.Main point

East-west culture
            "Antony and Cleopatra" reflects on the dualism of Rome and Egypt, civilization and barbarism, and directly expresses the cultural relationship between East and West in the play.The conflict between Roman culture and Egyptian culture highlights the differences and national characteristics of the two different cultures. However, cultural conflict is not necessarily a bad thing; in terms of the internal mechanism of cultural operation, cultural conflict can activate the internal factors of the culture of both parties to the conflict. Whether it is the desire to expand its own Rome, or the desire to conserve its own Egypt, the power operation mechanism is always completed in a cultural dialogue.

Philosophy of life
             The battle between Antony and Kay exemplifies the conflict between career and love, power and humanity, and the spirit of the Renaissance.

Inspirational quotes

Inspirational quotes

  • “And you shall see in him

       The triple pillar of the world transformed 

       Into a strumpet’s fool.”

Philo (Act 1 Scene 1)

  • “Let Rome in Tiber melt, and the wide arch

       Of the ranged empire fall: here is my space.”

Antony (Act 1 Scene 1)

  • “Eternity was in our lips and in our eyes.”

Cleopatra (Act 1, Scene 3)

  • “O happy horse, to bear the weight of Antony!”

Cleopatra (Act 1 Scene 5)


       “When I was green in judgement, cold in blood.”

Cleopatra (Act 1 Scene 5)

  • “Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale 

       Her infinite variety.

       Other women cloy 

       The appetites they feed, but she makes hungry

       Where most she satisfies.”

Enobarbus (Act 2, Scene 2)



  • Two of the scenes

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